ive us aid against the Enemy, for the help of man is worthless”.† How often have I failed with faithfulness there, where I thought I possessed it! How often too have I found it there, where beforehand I least expected it! Vain therefore is hope in men; but the salvation of the righteous is in You, O God! Blessed be You, O Lord my God, in all things that befall us!
We are weak and unstable, quickly deceived and altogether changed. Who is the man who is able in all things so warily and circumspectly to keep himself, as never to come into any deception or perplexity? But he who trusts in You, O Lord, and seeks You with a single heart, does not easily slip. And if he fall into any tribulation, however entangled, through You he will quickly be drawn out, or comforted; for You will not forsake him who hopes in You to the end.
Rare is a faithful friend who continues in all his friend's distresses. You, O Lord, You alone are most faithful at all times, and beside You there is no other like to You.
How wise was the holy soul who said: “My mind is firmly settled, and grounded in Christ” !† If thus it were with me, the fear of man would not so easily vex me, nor the darts of words sting me.